in the time of acceleration, participate with exposure.


Without a doubt I believe we have entered times of acceleration.  In march of 2018 I was awakened to hear the audible voice of God thunder in my room. The message he gave me was that beginning in 2018 between Passover and Pentecost we were entering a new era. The name given to me about the era was “ACCELERATE”.   When He spoke this, I was instantly filled with revelation and understanding that EVERYTHING was accelerating. The world systems, the plans of the evil one, and the activity of the Kingdom of God are all entering an era of acceleration.

 Among many other words that God will say about the coming days and seasons, I believe that the word “ACCELERATE” is a time-template for the next decade.  A template creates a platform, or framework for detail, creativity, and potential.  We are in the time template of ACCELERATE, which frames our time with the potential for incredible breakthroughs, in which delays are suddenly ended as earth aligns with heaven.  Knowing that Earth is aligning with heaven at an accelerated pace, Satan will also begin to establish structures and agendas of evil with furious wrath to challenge this. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We must cut off these ‘illegal’ attempts of the kingdom of darkness to change set times and laws. - Yet if stand firm in this time of acceleration, we will see some of the most incredible advancements of God’s kingdom breakthroughs for the nations of the Earth.

Considering that we are in a time of acceleration, the Lord began to admonish me, that the potentials of the season are not always guaranteed.    I think of Israel who was delivered out of Egypt by God through Moses.   The moment they were set free from their time of bondage, they entered a time- template of Acceleration.  The ancient promise of inheritance given to the patriarchs was now at hand (Genesis 26:3).    Yet we know from Biblical record that the Israelites though having entered the time template of acceleration, did not obtain the prophetic promises contained within that frame of time, because of unbelief. The question for us is, will we accelerate to posses our promises in the time of acceleration?


Very recently I was seeking the Lord about entering into the fullness of this time, when the Lord said clearly that:  ‘IN A TIME OF ACCELERATION,  PARTICIPATE WITH EXPOSURE’.   I understood that our acceleration was dependent upon the value we place on the things God reveals by His light.   I knew that we must not presume upon the potentials of our time alone.   God is unwilling to let us blunder like Israel who entered the time of acceleration, but did not reach their promised land in that time.  Therefore, He is exposing necessary truth about areas that require our attention and participation, in order that we “lay hold of all of that for which Christ laid hold of us.”  I believe,  the grace of prophetic exposure is the tool God is employing to help position us to cross over in our ‘time of acceleration’, and enter our destiny. 


God is going to expose our identity in Christ.  God brought the ‘prophetic grace of exposure’ to the Israelites in the wilderness when Caleb returned from spying out the land, saying “do not be afraid of the people of the land, for they will be like bread for us. Their protection has been removed, and the LORD is with us.”  (Numbers 14:9).   Caleb’s report was essentially God’s declaration of their true identity. Unfortunately, that generation suffered from an identity crisis, and rejected to faithfully participate with what God had revealed about who they were as the people of Almighty God. God was attempting to break the witchcraft of fear and doubt off his people through Caleb’s ‘faith-filled’ report. That generation fell prey to their natural sight and an evil heart of unbelief, rejecting their God given identity! Consequentially they left the time of acceleration for the place of delay.  The potential of their time was to accelerate into inheritance, but they still identified themselves with grasshoppers.  Finally, after 40 years of delay, a new generation accelerated into the promise through participating with God’s word over their identity.  That generation left unbelief dead in the wilderness, refused the false identity of a grasshopper, and re-consecrated themselves as heirs of the promise.  In this time, God is going to reveal who we are in Christ, and we must break every mindset that doesn’t align. 


Years ago, I received an audible voice from the Lord saying about the prophetic:  “You can move with the dung-Hill, or you can stay with lamentations.”  I knew immediately that God was referring to lamentations:  2:14 -  “The visions of your prophets were false and worthless;  they did not EXPOSE your sin to ward off your captivity.”   I understood that God was grieved about the lack of sin exposure in our prophetic ministry, because it was resulting in continual and increasing captivity.   As we can see from this scripture, God’s heart in exposing sin, is to deliver us from captivity, not to shame us!  In this time, we must invite God’s loving light to shine on areas of sin, so that we can come out of participation with it, or we will remain in a state of captivity during a time of acceleration.   Remember that God exposes sin to remind us of what no longer belongs in us.  He is for us!    


God is going to expose and destroy the works of the devil resisting you.   Several years ago God told me he was going to accelerate my life into long awaited promises and destiny.  A couple days after hearing this exciting news, I was on a ‘prayer drive’, when I heard the voice of the Lord say “Andrew you have been in delay”.  This was news to me.  I knew I heard him clearly, so I asked him, “God if I heard you right, please confirm that I have been in delay, and please show me the key to break the delay.”   Within five minutes, my wife called me, and said, “Andrew, I forgot to tell you that I had a dream last night.”  “In the dream a witch walked up to us and said “I’m the reason you have been in delay.”  My wife and I had never had a conversation about or considered we were in delay. So this dream was shocking confirmation.  I further sought the Lord and He revealed that ‘rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.’   God gave me a few keys to break my agreement with rebellion, and therefore break the witchcraft.  Within one week, God began to shift everything, and I suddenly began to see the fulfillment of years of delayed promises.  

We are in the time of acceleration! The flow of exposure will accompany the season of Acceleration as a sign that breakthrough is near!   If we respond to what God exposes, we move into the prophetic potentials of acceleration.  In this time, don’t be afraid of God’s exposure, participate with it.   He is fighting for your destiny, and you are about to enter into it!


in my dream, God said, “somebody needs to hear this!”


get ready for a new generation of mighty men!