prophetic warriors
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about vanquish
Vanquish- is a group led by Andrew & Kelly Whalen - prophetic warriors. Vanquish is intended to emphasize our victory in Christ, and train up Kingdom prophetic warriors, geared for 'spiritual special forces'.
Our brief time in the Earth is lived in the context of war. A new generation is preparing to cross over into ‘lands of inheritance’ - places that Christ has given us authority to conquer. Yet in these same places, spiritual giants occupy what God has called us to possess! The times are urgent, and the need plentiful, to raise up a company of warriors who are established in their identity, equipped with prophetic weaponry, and capable of manifesting the Victory of Christ in battle. Andrew and Kelly are passionate to share, inspire, and teach insight and revelation that will help equip the warrior to walk in intimate friendship with Christ, releasing the dominion of His Kingdom through our lives.
The initiatives of Vanquish include:
Online prophetic community training through ‘Vanquish Advance’.
Special Forces - Short Intensive training schools -on location
Governmental & business mountain- prayer & prophetic assignments
Apostolic and Prophetic reformation
Circuit Riding Warfare